Services We Provide
- Quality Assurance/Quality Control
- Construction Specification Compliance Testing
- Soil, Concrete, Aggregate & Asphalt Testing
- Reinforced Concrete Special Inspections
- Lime/Cement Soil Stabilization Testing
- ICC Special Inspections
- Masonry Testing & Reinforcement Inspection
- Pavement Condition Surveys
- Diamond Core Drilling
- Distress Evaluations
- Earthwork Observation & Testing
- Geosynthetic Liner Observation & CQA
- Concrete/CLSM Mix Designs
- Floor Flatness and Levelness
GEOMAT has a staff of highly experienced engineering technicians and special inspectors known for punctuality and testing in accordance with project requirements.

Why Choose Our Service
Highly experienced technicians and inspectors with a solid track record of providing exemplary service.
We perform field and laboratory tests in accordance with the pertinent AASHTO and ASTM procedures by appropriately trained personnel. All field and laboratory test reports are reviewed by the Technical Manager or Construction Services Manager before being submitted to the Client.